Sunday, 18 August 2013

"Please forgive me"

Remember the good times we had spent together,
and the beautiful future we had dreamy of…
Darling I never wanted to create a distance between us…
Please let us bridge the gaps… 

I forgot our anniversary...I lost the track of the date... I am so sorry for this.... i know the reason u are angry u wished me happy anniversary and i kept on scolding u without realizing that u were waiting the whole day to hear it from me... I know i have been an asshole a number of tyms.....I hv been bad... U know its difficult for me to control my anger these days and get irritated....I have been impatient these days i know....Dont leave my hand i will be at my 100% soon...I dont know y is it taking a lot of tym but m sure will come over it soon....Plz forgive me..I am sooo sorry...I will remember and keep track of the dates and will never forget the 18th...I can never forget this day...It changed my life...It was filled with colors of love...laughter...tears of happiness...and so much more...A grl who loves me sooo much...She has cared abt me but i in return have made her cry...I am sorry for everything....I wish my grl frnd(my lyf) a very happy anniversary.....with lots and lots of love and kisses.....

Plz frrgive me... I know u felt bad but plz i wont repeat it again...plz forgive me... :'-(
If My tomorrow never comes
‘I M sorry’ for all the Th¡ngs ¡ might have Sa¡d
‘I M sorry’ for all the Th¡ngs ¡ did Or didn,T Do
‘I M sorry’ ¡f ¡ ever ¡gnored you
‘I M sorry’ ¡f ¡ ever made you feel bad Or put you down
‘I M sorry’ ¡f ¡ ever thought ¡ was bigger Or better than you
‘I M sorry’ for everything wrong ¡ have ever done
I M Wr¡t¡ng Th¡s becoz ¡f My tomorrow never comes?
If I never get A chance To say sorry then I m sorry.. .. ..    

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